Motivation: Tips to increase self motivation!

We all get stuck and overwhelmed from time to time which can reduce motivation. The new year may have started with a bang and then you might find your health and fitness motivation slipping.

Remember that all progress and self-motivation starts with taking action. One action will lead to another. Action, and achievements, will create better outcomes and new experiences for you. If you're struggling right now here is some tips to help increase your motivation.

Simplify your to do list:

It’s really hard to stay motivated when your mind is full and cluttered with all of the projects and tasks you need to do. Doing less and focusing on the things you love and your main goals will help you increase motivation.

Start small and set simple goals:

Smaller goals that can be achieved over a short time period lend themselves well to motivation. The end is always in sight, which means the payoff comes around quickly. Setting massive goals that take time to achieve can make us feel we’ll never get there, so start small and work up.

Focus on the little wins:

One of the things that reduces motivation and causes procrastination is that we measure our success not from how far we’ve come, but how far away we are from reaching our goals. If we can change this mindset and become more conscious of how our brain is working, we can set ourselves up for a motivation boost. Rather than focusing on your end goal, think about what you’ve achieved from when you started.

Create and repeat a new positive habit:

Sometimes, the smallest changes bring the biggest results. When you start a new habit the key is consistency and repetition. By actually doing something new over and over again, your brain wires new pathways that help you create incremental improvements. You can then build on these improvements.

Join a club or group class:

Joining a local club or class can be another great way to stay motivated. Not only do clubs usually schedule events that can help keep you on track, but you’ll also be able to meet new friends who share the same interests.

Reward yourself:

When you’re achieving your goals, there’s nothing wrong with rewarding yourself as an incentive to keep you moving. Write your reward down and work toward it. Maybe a new pair of trainers or a night out with friends is just the ticket to keep you going.

Don’t put too much pressure on yourself:

When we put too much pressure on ourselves to look a certain way, by a certain time, or we have unrealistic expectations,  disappointment can set in. This is where we can lose our motivation to keep going and then give up. Have fun with your fitness, and you’ll stick with it.

There you go, a few tips to help if your self motivation is on a bit of low , remember to have confidence in yourself and that everyday is fresh new start to keep pushing toward your goals and aspirations.


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